Sunday, April 26, 2009

Forever a child.

Just now I happened to pass by an article about 'How to Reclaim the Joy of Childhood'. The steps are:
1. Avoid the news. As in avoid those very negative news like wars, disasters, etc...
2. Engage in self-care. As in take some time out to do the things you like, pampering yourself, etc...
3. Enjoy entertainment that makes you laugh.
4. Smile more.


My Mum and me myself too wondering why I am so like a child at the age of 19 already. I can be super active running around like monkey, I can play hide and seek with little kids at playground. I can forget I am 19 and I refuse to believe that I am 19 already. Sometimes I felt embarassing when I told people my age because I don't behave like my age. It seems like all awhile I am reclaiming my childhood.

1. I avoid news. I don't read news about students jump down building, overseas riot... I don't even know about Tsunamis until my Mum told me and other negative news. I mostly only read news about crocodiles or supernatural happenings or unglam Singaporeans act.

2. I always pampered myself by escaping pain. I skipped school last year a lot just to avoid thinking hard and being stress. When I am stress, I will and must escape.

3. I don't watch sad drama or shows. They make me very sad and I will put myself in their shoes and feel even sad. Saddness drain all my energy away making me dead. Therefore I always escape sad drama and watch those that make me laugh until mouth muscle pain. Even for songs, I seldom listen to slow or sad songs unless they are super super nice.

4. I smile alot. I smile even at the slightest thing. Even when my teammates annoyed me, I can still smile at them if they do something to make me happy. I can also give fake smile like real smile. I can laugh a lot too. Most of the time I couldn't control my laughing bug. I can also smile and laugh when I am alone. I don't know why and I can't change it and I don't want to change it.


All the points above caused me to behave like a child. So forgive me if I behave like a child that annoyed you. I just can't leave my childhood. I know you can but I can't!

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