Thursday, October 01, 2009

Gem in the dark.

WN introduced me a person who had left the world. He was same age as us and he died of cancer a few months ago after being diagnosed of having cancer a year ago. He was facing his illness with a brave and positive attitude.

We should treasure our life and people around us before we don't have the ability to do so.
We should live our life like today is the last day of life.
Treasure our life as in eat healthy, sleep enough and stay happy all the time. :)

Today I had been travelling around east area, from Ubi to Pasir ris to Bedok to Tampines with WN. I had been taking and changing a lot of buses today, luckily I had concession.

Today is Children day and I personally bring my student present to her Grandma house. When I called her Grandma to ask where my student was, she was like so excited and happy like as if the present was for her. HAHHA! So cute of her Grandma. When I saw my student, she was super happy but when she saw WN, she hid behind her Grandma and don't dare to come forward and talk to me. After that she called me and gave her thanks to me. So cute of her.

School is going to start new week. At first I was very happy because I don't need to face MM anymore and I am going to wish luck to those who got her as their facilitator. I was also happy that I am taking new and interesting modules. What lowered my interest is facing the same old classmates that I faced last semester as well as the school system. I seriously hate those competitive and selfish classmates who only care about themselves. They are the ones who make this world so competitve, they are the ones who influence others to be as bad as them, they are the ones who took away my happiness.

Seriously, after 2 1/2 years, I still hate the school system of teamwork and presenting everyday. Other than hate, I fear for it too. Till now, I still fear for giving an urgent presentation, a presentationt that we had limited time to prepare for it, it was so limited that I don't even have the mood to eat my lunch. But I am quite proud of surviving so long without the need to retake any modules. I had just one last semester to go before I can finally stop feeling stressful for every single day of my school days.

After entering RP, I really learned to treasure the need to listen to every word a speaker has to say and appreciate the braveness of each word that the speaker said. Listening is still more relaxing than speaking. Listening is also more important because we have two ears over one mouth.

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