Friday, January 08, 2010

You should cheer up when you are still able to do so!

these are my point of views. you don't have to agree with every single of them. you can't disagree too because they are mine view.

recently quite a lot of my friends or friend's friends are feeling emo. not the normal common kind of emo but those severe extreme kind of emo. i wanted to help them, i am not so powerful to help them resolved their problems. all i can do is give them encouragement whenever they need it. after turning a big round, it is still their decision to decide if they want to help themselves.

i am not pointing onto anyone, i am just saying in general. i find that people often can't express their emotions well. ask them what is their problems, they will just pass off with 'nothing actually' or 'just feeling sad, i don't know why'. by empressing out, you will feel lighter and less burdened. this explains why some people feeling emo 24/7, because you simply don't express out, you don't share it with someone or something or somewhere. hiding or suppressing feeling can make those emotions overwhelming and more powerful than they really are.

tips: healthy ways to express feelings include drawing, writing, painting, exercising, talking to friends, singing, or playing an instrument. anything that helps release feelings of anxiety and depression can help you feel better.

i seldom get emo, if i did, i would get it settle within 1 week or lesser. this is because i think that i should spent my energy on my dreams and goals and not on feeling. you determine if you want your feeling to control you or you want to personally control your feeling. i know this is hard but it can be done if you are determined.

you must be wondering how i overcome my feelings. well, this technique is proven super effective for me. i divert my focus to my passion. if you don't know, i have countless passion, so i can divert my attention to many different areas. i still can remember how i overcoming my depressed mood from the monster faci. after i reached home from her lessons, i would engross myself on TV (from 7pm to 10pm) and not touching my laptop until 10pm before i do my homework. facing my laptop at that time will only remind me of the sadness i faced in school earlier on. watching tv made myself engross myself into the role of the actors and actresses in the show and gradually forget my sadness. i laughed all i can when it is funny and get sad along with it.

oh ya, i still have another method which is called 'cure the poison with poision' method. i am already very super sad and so i listen to sad songs and feel sad together and deeper. after around 30 minutes of the music therapy, it did made me feel better. my thinking will be like, i am not alone, there are people in the world who are sadder than me.

all my techniques used are passive because when i am sad, my energy level is 0, i just wish to sit down and stare blanky and completely emptied out my mind and think nothing.

expect your mood to improve gradually, not immediately, feeling better takes time. hope this helps the lost soul out there. all the best to your very own life that you engraved.

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