Sunday, December 18, 2011

My 21st Birthday Chalet.

I would never let my daughter handle her own 21st birthday chalet because it is so tiring. I would get the whole family involved.

Those promised to come but didn't come and didn't inform, it is really disappointing because there were seriously too much leftover food. My high anticipation for certain people to come but didn't really make me very sad. Those whom I invited but never reply my invitation is much worst, it makes me feel so stupid. Luckily there are 3 pretty mothers who gave me encouraging words; MeiMei, BaoMei & JingJing.

Thanks those who joined me shopping for BBQ stuff: Daphne (Thanks for your labour work.)
Thanks those who helped to decorate: Daphne (helped to do up the banner), ShuYun (ballon-blower expert), WenQian (tied balloon), JinXuan (tied balloon), Christine (blow balloon).
Thanks those who helped to start up the sickening fire with minimal skills & BBQ: ShuYun, WenQian, Mumtaz, JinXuan, Christine.
Thanks those who help to BBQ: Yoyo & her BF (both are expert BBQ person)
Thanks those who encouraged me: JingJing, MeiMei, BaoMei
Thanks those who had a short heart talk & gossip together: Mumtaz, Daphne, WenQian, WanHong.
Thanks those who willing to stay overnight & had pillow fight: ShuYun, WenQian, WanHong, JinXuan, Christine.
Thanks those who helped to clear up after the stay: WanHong (she just pop the balloons with a short toothpick; daring!), JinXuan, Christine, WenQian.
Thanks to my parents, her friends and relative for attending my bday party, helping out here & there & giving present & angbao.

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